
Showing posts from September, 2017

News Last Week

                                                                                                                        September 11,2001 Today is a day to rember because it was history and took place in New York.One day there was this person calling the people from the airplane they told them that the plane has been hijacked and they didn't know what to do so they just decided to save other people's life and crash into the World Trade Center twin towers they crashed in one of the twin towers and made a hole in the tower there was another plane and then did the same thing and crashed in to the other tower everyone was scared and in shock that this happened. A few minutes the tower t...

Digital citizens ship

                                                           Digital citizens ship Today I am going to tell you what digital citizen ship is. Digital citizens ship is  being safe of what you post or what you say because everyone one could see it. You have to be safe on what you post you should think before posting anything that could stay for years you should post positive things. Don't post things of other people or don't say mean comments on other people you don't know because it's part of your safety someone can find you. You should not have maps open of social media because you never know if you're friend forgot there phone somewhere and then someone finds it and finds you that's why you should have the map off an app because then they could find you. That's what Digital citizen ship is.

Welcome to my blog

      Hi my name is Maria and this is my first blog for language arts and im excited to start. I'm 11 years old and I have three sisters and one dog out of all my sisters im the oldest and then it's my sister  Esmeralda who is 9 years old and goes to piper and my other sister Vanessa who is 6 years old and goes to Haiwatha we all go to different schools and my baby sister Jaqueline she is 12 months. I use to live close to my cousins but then we had to move because my dads work was far and we lived in a small house so we had to move so know we live one hour away. We know have a house with 2 rooms and a big living room and a kitchen my mom and dad have a room to sleep in im so happy. I hope too see you again.